She sits in her room looking out the window. A field covered with snow is calling as she sips coffee contemplating the next life post, 'The Wild in Me'. Immediately, the title even causes her to inch toward the keys typing in rhythm to Carrie Underwood playing in the background. Wild is an interesting word. When spoken this brings to mind someone out of control, uninhibited, untamed, but for her, the meaning is living in truth. Her truth. The truth that lies outside of four walls. That feeling that causes every hair on the body to raise when in the outdoors gazing upon what nature gives us daily for free. The opportunity to run with the sun and all of those that choose to follow in a sort of human herd, but at the same time fighting for all that call this miraculous planet home. It is with a furrowed brow that she asks herself, "How did I get here? Where am I going?, but the one nagging thought that troubles her on occasion, "DO I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?" Taking a sigh to answer under her breath she gives a quiet, "YES"!
Upon reflection, this wild feeling was not always on the surface. It lay dormant as she stood in the corner or in the back remaining quiet and always trying hard to uncover a little bit of courage, cure this virus we call an ego, dissect a lump of jealousy and drain fear that was running through her veins. How did these things come to be and yet where have they gone? Will they come back? Was this miraculous or perhaps something that was in the making and would continue unraveling as long as her footprints left their mark? Flipping through her mental Rolodex, a few things became quite clear.
Courage was the lion inside, sleeping as cats do, waiting to awaken at the right time. There were times jealousy could be found eating at her insides like a wood worm. That ego could be seen holding her back as she looked upon her reflection in the mirror and then fear. Fear tried to break everything she knew she was, but not this time. She was ready to take back her life. To let the wild woman out. To become a voice for the voiceless. To fight for our future everything's. And it was in the summer of 2013, that she did just that.
She sat in the auditorium watching a jumbo screen of the world pass her eyes at a cheetah's pace. Her mind was racing at all of this visual candy. All of these images that made her feel incredible inside and at the same time go fetal with an immense amount of empathy. This was the moment she knew what to do with the rest of her life. So, to the zoo education department she went asking if there were any available positions. Guess what? There were and the rest they say, is her-story.
Who is SHE? SHE IS ME and today you can find her at the zoo working on changing the world, writing stories to try and change the world and snapping pics to feature the world. OK wait, you are probably waiting for the moral of the story right? Well, here it is plain and simple. Go and take a look in the mirror at the beautiful creation you are. See that reflection? Within that reflection, lies everything you need to become your best self. Now, I've never said that it would be easy, but anything worth doing, never is.
Bye for now.